Hi there,
Remember me, old blog? The lady who had children, quit her job to stay home, went crazy, got better, went back to school, became a nurse, starting working, quit facebook, and now has no free time? I'm still here. Still making my way through the miasma of parenting while working. A is now 10 and W is now 7. I can't believe I started this blog 7 years ago. I'm sad I didn't regularly update it because time has flown by so fast that I don't remember what happened in those years since I have posted. I feel like I should start posting again. I miss facebook but I don't miss the drama associated with it. So perhaps I will write here instead?
I love my job. I'm very glad I went back to school to have a career. It is fulfilling to make money doing something I love. Unfortunately, being a working parent is fucking crazy. Especially working night shift.
All these years of focusing on the kids and focusing on school has kind of left my marriage in the toilet. We are working on it. It is a slow process, especially when life inserts itself into everything you do. Suddenly your children have active lives that need your attention to maintain (lessons, school projects, etc.) and it is like one day I looked up and realized that I was out of touch with the man I married 14 years ago. That is the crazy part about time. One day you let something slip thinking your inattention will be a one time thing. Next thing you know a decade has gone by and there is a chasm separating you from your partner. Now we have to climb our way back out. Just one more thing to add to the list of stuff that I need to work on.
My friendships have changed since I went back to work. I only have time to focus on the friends who are important to me and who get where I am at professionally and personally. That meant leaving some friends behind. That was hard.
It seems like I have a lot to talk about. I will come back when I have more time.
Allulose Ice Cream Recipe
1 day ago