Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Thank Cthulhu for the people at Fisher Price

Because this thing, my friends, is a life saver for moms of babies who insist on being held 24/7.
I tried this thing out at a friend's house and W actually slept in it, which is amazing. So, after saying I wouldn't buy another expensive baby thing that doesn't get used I rushed out and bought it. I am typing away now because W is resting comfortably in it. I know Dr. Sears would disapprove of W being out of my arms for 15 minutes when I should have her in the sling and be simultaneously nursing her, working on a solution for world peace, and handing sandwiches out to the poor but I am totally over that.
Now if only they made one in adult size with a drink holder I would be set.
Off to the Doctor's office today...poor little W woke up with a suspiciously pink eye this morning. Wouldn't it be fun if A and W (heh, heh A&W) both had pink eye at the same time? Even more fun would be if I got it too.


Amanda said...

WAHOO FOR PINK EYE!!! Deacon was exposed to it too this weekend. I know I'm excited.

It's ok, Dr. Sears would have my head because Deacon got formula... and I work full time out of the home. He's ruined.

Adrianne said...

My children spent many a naps in that swing and PTL for that thing!! I wouldn't have gotten anything done without it!