There was an anonymous comment a few posts back concerning my husband. I would like to set the record straight with regards to S and our relationship. I feel bad that all I seem to do is post the things he does that aggravate me and never touch on the loving and wonderful things he frequently does. I guess since this blog is my vent that it does take the shape of a place for me to scream and rant without repercussion. I feel obligated, however, to do some loving on my husband now.
Friday started out as a very tough day for me. After S called me from work and I was short with him about changing my therapy appointment this week on short notice he came home at 1pm (he is normally home at 5). In his arms was a huge bouquet of flowers and a $15 i-tunes card. He told me to get the hell out of dodge and not come back until dinner. A lovely 4 hour reprieve from the cares of the world, which was just what I needed to recharge. He does this type of thing as much as he can.
While he may not volunteer to do things with the kids all the time he has never said no when I have requested time out or away. I truly believe that he just doesn't think to offer because in his mind if HE needed me time he would just ask for it and since I don't ask I don't need it.
He does spend a lot of time in his office by himself. I don't begrudge him that. I envy it. I admit I am bitter that I don't really have a space of my own in this house. But his work is such that he really needs a room dedicated just to his junk, I mean, equipment. Otherwise it would be spilling everywhere in our house or getting trampled on by the kids.
S always helps with the housework. In fact, he does all of the dishes on the weekends and while I was in the throes of my anxiety he tackled the laundry and most of the housecleaning as well.
While he may not be as emotionally available as I would like he definitely does what he can to help out. As far as the emotional stuff all I can say is that we are working on it. I have to remember that he is not a mind reader and it is unrealistic for me to expect him to be able to anticipate my needs.
He is truly the only person alive on this earth that I can spend 24/7 with and not get sick of his company.
He appreciates my intelligence and still finds me hot even after 10 years and two kids.
He never fails to whisper in my ear "You are the most beautiful woman in this room," whenever we are at a party.
He is not perfect but that is what makes our relationship interesting. Because, regardless of what the and e-harmony commercials tell you, true love does not mean that you agree all the time.
True love is
what happens in the time after you disagree
the coming together after difficult periods stronger than before
recognizing that your relationship will change as you change yourself
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1 day ago
This was a really sweet post. Your husband sounds like a great catch.
Men don't always know exactly the right thing to say and a lot of times they're a pain in the ass when dealing with the kids...
But that's just the nature of the beast I think... I think all men do this. The key is, if your husband respects you as a person and allows you to have those breaks that you need... and Steve does. He's a good guy :)
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