Tuesday, January 20, 2009

National Delurking Week

So, according to my friend Aurelia last week was national delurking week. I know people read this blog because google analytics tells me so. I also know that most people come here by way of strange google searches. But I would really love for all of those who read and give a shit to make a comment and let me know you are out there. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Or is that the 4 year old Vicodin I found at the bottom of the medicine cabinet last week?


The Lj's said...

I read... i enjoy reading about your perspective on motherhood and PPD! You have definitely educated me on PPD!

Phillips Family Fun said...

I read...it helps me feel close to you when I'm missing you the most--which is always:(

Adrianne said...

Hey I comment all the time!!

Kelly Perry said...

Keeping up with May Mommies!

Kara said...

I read...you have helped me feel like I'm not alone on the PPD bus.

Anonymous said...

I read you weekly. I have no idea how I came across you though and I only read 1 other blog. You're funny!

Anonymous said...

I started reading your blog when you were pregnant with W and I still read weekly. I like your honesty and sense of humour, even when writing about difficult issues such as PPD...

Cate said...

Yay! You commenters have totally made my day. Thanks for coming forward and admitting to riding the crazy train with me.

Kate said...

I'm always checking in on you, Cate! The May Mommies have to stick together! (ktdid)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy peeking into your life and brain. You are very honest and real and I respect that. I have to say though that I was disappointed to see that you took down the trampoline pic...that was the funniest thing I have ever seen!

Amanda said...

I'm here... but you knew that.

Oh, and the word verification thing looks like "urinate"- but it's not... but it would have been funny if it was.

Karen said...

You know I'm here. :)