Friday, June 20, 2008

Its all relative

There are at least 3 articles on talking about children being abused or murdered by their mothers. I feel so deeply for those children. It also helps me gain perspective on my mothering skills.
Most days I feel like I will be lucky if my children don't turn into serial killers when they grow up. I am an imperfect mother at best. I recognize that I have many many faults. Motherhood has been the most humbling experience of my life. I lament every day that I never have enough patience to be the best mother I can be.
Watching a video on the internet today of a mother purposely abandoning her two year old at Wally World really brought something home for me. While there have been many occasions where I have been grocery shopping and Wally World and wanted to abandon my two year old I haven't done it (yet). That puts me one step ahead of the rest of the world, right? Maybe I am not so bad of a mother after all.


Nicole said...

It is all relative. I couldn't agree more. And yet, I still manage to name myself as the worst mother in the world, at least once a day.

Stephanie said...

there so cute