Not much new to report since last week. W is still the sweetest baby around and I feel so lucky to have her as my last baby. She is such a joy to be around now. True to form, she hit the 3 month mark and just woke up all of a sudden. She started cooing and "talking" this week to make her feelings known. It is wonderful how her personality all of a sudden just blossomed. Babies are amazing in that respect. They start out as these little larval blobs and then wake up one morning smiling, and then wake up one morning laughing, and then on and on to each new skill and before you know it they are walking and talking and telling you that "two farts just came out of my butt." That, by the way, was what my darling son told me this morning as we were sitting on the couch watching cartoons.
A is still adjusting to being a big brother. It is hotter than hell here and so extremely smokey from all the fires burning around that we are banished to remain indoors as much as possible due to the poor air quality. A is stir crazy from being cooped up and I am going crazy from trying to think of ways to entertain him. I am trying to break the cycle of television as baby sitter that we had sort of established when W was a newborn. But there is only so much Candyland a grown woman can play before wanting to gouge her eyes out with the Sugar Plum Fairy card.
I started a playgroup for W in my local Mom's club and it is actually doing well. I am excited to get out of the house every Monday to commiserate with other moms of little ones. I am not sure how this will work when she starts napping more regularly but at this point I am willing to do just about anything to escape the heat and smoke.
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1 day ago
I about died when I read what Angus said to you. LOL. I can't contain myself when kids say stuff like that. It's so funny.
Oh, and this smoke sucks as much as the heat does. Thankfully even if it wasnt' smokey it's still to hot to even want to go outside. Ugh. Summer in Sacramento- always fun.
While I am trying to enjoy every stage of Pepper's life, there is a small part of me that is really looking forward to the 3 month wake up and smile stage. Glad you got there and all is well.
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